French Cuisine
Coeur du chocolate St Valentine Recipe
| French CuisineServes 8-10 This Coeur du chocolate dessert is fairly simple to make and very easy to eat! Chocolate Heart Dessert Cake – Happy Valentine’s Day For the Cake 140g unsalted butter 225g Dark chocolate, chopped 4 eggs separated 150g caster sugar 50g plain flour – sifted For the Ganache 250g dark chocolate 250ml whipping cream […]
Saucisse du Maison
| French CuisineWe’ve been dying to try the new sausage machine again so we thought we’d let you have a look at what happened. Do not laugh – you’ll be eating our home-made chipolatas, merguez and persillades this summer so its all for your benefit. Saucisse du Maison (home-made sausages at L’Age Baston) What do you need? […]
Victoria’s Piperade Recipe
| French CuisinePost Workout Eggs are something of a ritual for me after a session at the gym. Munching them before heading into the office today I found myself watching an old episode of ”Floyd on France” which I found flicking through the channels. Bien sur I thought! Part of the charm of these dated programmes is […]
French Inspired Easter Feast Menu Suggestions
| French CuisineL’Age Baston Easter Feast Menu It’s official. Alexandra really enjoys cooking. This is probably just as well as she spends a lot of time in the kitchen in the summer. You already know Alex puts superb meals on the table at L’Age Baston, day after day, and that she teaches French Country Cooking to jolly […]
Fennel & Orange Salad Recipe
| French CuisineFennel & Orange Salad This is a straightforward Fennel & Orange Salad recipe. One of the reasons I like it is that you can prepare the dish some time in advance and it won’t spoil. Salads and crudités are much more forgiving because timing and temperature are usually less of an issue. Remember that if […]
Easter Gigot of Salt Marsh Lamb Recipe
| French CuisineGigot D’Agneau pour Paques (Easter Leg of Lamb) This is a super Salt Marsh Lamb recipe with fantastic ingredients and essentially so simple. Remember salt-marsh lamb is young and should have very little fat. If your joint has lots of visible fat then you trim the excess because you are cooking with olive oil anyway. […]
Flan Maraichin Recipe
| French CuisineFlan Maraichin (Custard Tart) Recipe This Flan Maraichin recipe comes from the Marais area of the Vendée. A little to the north-west of La Rochefoucauld. It is usually served at the end of a festive Easter Meal with strawberries or raspberries – divine! This is a classic culinary ‘can’t tell the book by looking at […]
Roast Goose with Cognac Sauce Recipe
| French CuisineRoast Goose with Cognac Sauce Geese are bonier than other poultry and have larger rib cages so weight for weight, a goose will feed fewer people than a turkey or large chicken. The benefit being that although they have a high fat content, they are packed with flavor and make a great change at Christmas […]
Walnut, Pear and Roquefort Salad Recipe
| French CuisineWalnut Pear and Roquefort Salad “Alex and I rise with the dawn eager for the new days’ delights of autumn and the walnut harvest. We joke and chaff happily as we pick them up. Sometimes we sing jolly walnut-picking folk songs from the Auvergne, in close harmony, as we gather nature’s bounty in the High […]
L’Age Baston Valentine Pudding
| French CuisineIf you are wondering what to make for your loved one’s dessert this evening, look no further. Here is a delicious gooey chocolate Valentine Pudding that everyone loves! I placed a little heart cutter on the top before dusting to get the heart shape on the photo. We found (surprisingly enough) that champagne goes very well […]