French Cuisine

The Lady is for Cooking
| French CuisineIt’s been a long winter for us here too, but at last Spring is here. The cuckoo is making it known that he has arrived, rabbits are hopping around the fields and wild flowers are springing up everywhere. I thought I heard the nightingales but maybe I am being too fanciful! Here at Château L’Age […]

Courgette Farci aux Amandes Recipe
| French CuisineThis summer has brought one of the biggest ‘gluts’ of courgettes that the L’Age Baston Potager has ever seen. We’ve had them long and greens, round ones and some long yellow too. Sometimes it feels like we’re running out of courgette recipes, but we’ve just about managed to keep up! Here is a classic French […]

Wild Boar – Civet de Sanglier Recipe
| French CuisineWild Boar at Château L’Age Baston We’re always hearing from the locals that there is supposed to be a boar problem round here. “Too fertile, too many”, say the hunters. “Too hungry, too many”, say the farmers thinking about maize yields. The French hunt for boar more than for any other game. Prized for their meat, […]