Capturing the Light by Artist Jennifer Johnson
| ArtThe last few days here in South Devon have been wall to wall sunshine and they have put me in mind of another four weeks teaching at L’Age Baston this summer, something to really look forward to. The pleasures of capturing dappled sunlight whilst sitting under the walnut trees outside the studio, the challenging complexities […]

French Inspired Easter Feast Menu Suggestions
| French CuisineL’Age Baston Easter Feast Menu It’s official. Alexandra really enjoys cooking. This is probably just as well as she spends a lot of time in the kitchen in the summer. You already know Alex puts superb meals on the table at L’Age Baston, day after day, and that she teaches French Country Cooking to jolly […]

Fennel & Orange Salad Recipe
| French CuisineFennel & Orange Salad This is a straightforward Fennel & Orange Salad recipe. One of the reasons I like it is that you can prepare the dish some time in advance and it won’t spoil. Salads and crudités are much more forgiving because timing and temperature are usually less of an issue. Remember that if […]

Easter Gigot of Salt Marsh Lamb Recipe
| French CuisineGigot D’Agneau pour Paques (Easter Leg of Lamb) This is a super Salt Marsh Lamb recipe with fantastic ingredients and essentially so simple. Remember salt-marsh lamb is young and should have very little fat. If your joint has lots of visible fat then you trim the excess because you are cooking with olive oil anyway. […]

Flan Maraichin Recipe
| French CuisineFlan Maraichin (Custard Tart) Recipe This Flan Maraichin recipe comes from the Marais area of the Vendée. A little to the north-west of La Rochefoucauld. It is usually served at the end of a festive Easter Meal with strawberries or raspberries – divine! This is a classic culinary ‘can’t tell the book by looking at […]

April Fish – Poisson d’avril in France
| NewsApril Fools Day – Poisson d’avril in France In England you have April Fools Day and in France we have “Poisson d’avril”. It’s the same kind of thing; practical jokes on family and friends, jokes and hoaxes to catch the unwary. Last year Alex convinced me my bald patch was shrinking and I persuaded her […]